The first specific goal G1: is to develop a program of courses and materials to increase digital competences in the area of business analysis skills for supply chains.

In order to efficiently use large databases, you need to know the advanced functionalities of spreadsheets and Power Query toolkit. Especially important is the connection of spreadsheets with databases and the ability to retrieve data from the database for further analysis.

The second specific objective of G2: is to update logistics teaching programs at HEs in the field of data analytics.

The third specific objective G3: development of handbook and teaching materials enabling the acquisition of digital competences in the field of data analytics.

Complementary to the above is the fourth objective G4: implementation of the results of G1, G2, G3 in a virtual environment - a didactic platform.

The main result will be 3 courses:

C1: Advanced using of spreadsheet to analyse logistics data

C2: Business Intelligence

C3: Statistical method to analysing a logistics data.

Each course will include handbook, teaching materials, pre & posts tests, teaching materials.


Funded by the European Union.
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