Poznan University
of Technology
Poznań, Poland

     Poznan University of Technology (PUT) grew out of the State School of Mechanical Engineering which was established in 1919. Currently, it is one of the leading technical universities in Poland. PUT trains highly qualified personnel in the field of engineering, in close liaison with research, technology development and innovation, in partnership with the economy and society. Its educational offer includes three-stage ECTS from engineering by the master to doctoral.
     Today, the Poznan University of Technology offers education at 9 faculties, running a total of 31 fields of study. Since the academic year 2006/2007, Poznan University of Technology has been offering doctoral studies as the third-cycle studies. Nearly 17,000 students of I and II cycles, PhD students and participants of post-graduate programmes receive education here. Over 1,300 academic staff cares about their education. Implementation of PUT's mission enables the vision to become reality - to be one of the best technical universities in Poland, which aspires to become an equipollent partner of other European schools in terms of education quality and high level of scientific research.
     PUT was the first Polish institution of higher education to become a member of CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) – a European organisation that brings together the best technical schools. In 2000, the first General Reunion of the Alumni of Poznan University of Technology was held, and in 2004 the University celebrated the 85th anniversary of the establishment of Polish Higher Technical Education in Poznan. It is also a member of SEFI (Societe Europeenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs), EUA (European University Association), ADUEM (Alliance of Universities for Democracy) and IAU (International Association of Universities).
     In 2020, the university implemented 205 projects from external funding (including 12 projects under Erasmus +, 8 projects under Horizon 2020, 91 projects under National Science Center). Since 2020 PUT is a leader of prestigious project EUNICE (European University for Customised Education) financed by Erasmus + within Euroepan Universities Initiative.
The University's researchers receive the most prestigious state awards for achievement in science. The Foundation of Polish Science, which awards the best Polish scientists, three times honoured professors of our University with the so-called "Polish Nobel Prize" – in 2000 it was awarded to professor Jan Węglarz, in 2005 to professor Roman Słowiński and in 2011 to professor Elżbieta Frąckowiak.
     To fulfil the requirements of present and future professional activities and competitiveness on a global scale, there is a need to educate specialists who can develop the Polish economy taking into account the sustainability aspects in logistic areas. Today we need such highly qualified experts, who are ready to realize changes and put them into practice, and such specialists are educated in PUT in courses such as Engineering Management (in Polish and English language), Logistics (in Polish and English language) and Safety Engineering led by the teachers of the Faculty of Engineering Management. PUT studies have always had an engineering character, hence graduates not only understand what is going on around them but they are also able to exploit their surroundings for their own needs. Know-how and practical abilities differentiate their graduates in job markets and put them in high demand as specialists.



PhD, DSc, Eng., Assoc. Prof.

PIOTR CYPLIK – project manager BAS4SC, PhD, DSc, Eng. is Associate Professor and Head of Division of Production Management and Logistics at the Poznan University of Technology (PUT). He received the M.Sc. Eng. in Management and Marketing (specialization: Industrial Marketing) in 1999, the Ph.D. in Machines Building and Operations in 2006 from the Poznan University of Technology, Poland and D.Sc. (habilitation) degrees in Management Sciences in 2019 from the University of Lodz, Poland. He is a national expert and assessor (Poland) as part of the certification of logisticians' competences in accordance with the requirements of the European Logistics Association. He is the author or co-author/editor or co-editor of 20 books and more than 120 journal articles, book chapters and conference papers. He reviews papers for such journals as: International Journal of Production Research, Business Logistics in Modern Management, Mathematical Problems in Engineering among others, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science bibliographic databases. He is also the editor-in-chief of the LogForum journal, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science

He was the manager of 3 Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+ projects:

  • Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Transfer of Innovation (ToI) - funded from EU funds by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, project executed from 2011 to 2013, title: „lot4eng.com - Logistics Open Training for Engineering Competence”, (TOI 2011-1-PL1-LEO05-19871).
  • Erasmus+ Action 2 Programme – Strategic Partnerships within the sector of Professional Education and Trainings, funded from EU funds by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, project executed from 2015 to 2018, title: “LLOT - Logistics Language Open Training” (2015-1-PL01-KA202-016464).
  • Erasmus+ Action 2 Programme Strategic partnerships for higher education, project executed from 2017 to 2020, title: Modern logistics learning: Certified module on master study level (2017-1-PL01-KA203-038698).

Manager or main contractor of over 50 consulting projects regarding process optimization for companies with a national and international scope. His research interests include: Industry 4.0, Modern logistics solutions and production management.

Katarzyna Grzybowska

PhD, DSc, Eng. , Assoc. Prof.


KATARZYNA GRZYBOWSKA, PhD, DSc, Eng. is Associate Professor at the Poznan University of Technology (PUT). Her home university is Poznan University of Technology.

In December 2019 she received the scientific title of Habilitant Doctor of Social Sciences in the field of Management and Quality Sciences under resolution of the Council of the University of Lodz of 16.12.2019 on the basis of the habilitation dissertation entitled “Multi-agent supply chains”

In her scientific activity, several trends can be distinguished, which entirely contribute to a coherent approach to the problem of supply chain management. The most important research areas covered in her publications include:

  • Area A – supply chain management in the context of definition, cooperation and competition as well as trust and relationships in the supply chain;
  • Area B – theory of coordination in supply chain management, including actions coordination mechanisms;
  • Area C – Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) in supply chain management;
  • Area D – reference modeling and reliability analysis with particular emphasis on the analysis of survival of supply chains;
  • Area E – global theoretical trends and supply chain development directions.

Her present research focuses on Sustainable Supply Chain, Digital Supply Chain and Supply Chain Resilience.

Her research are part of the larger research on DRS (Digital, Resilient, Sustainable) model of a supply chain. She focus will be on implementation of triple helix idea to present the dynamic of the DRS structure and implementation of scenarios supported by causal loops (system dynamics) to recognize possible behavior of DRS supply chain in changing environment.

She is the author or co-author more than 130 journal articles, book chapters and conference papers since obtaining his doctoral degree (2008). She reviews papers for such journals as: Sustainability, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research and other among others, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science bibliographic databases.

Katarzyna Siemieniak

PhD, Eng.

KATARZYNA SIEMIENIAK, MSc., is a graduate of Management and Marketing at the Poznan University of Technology. She graduated on 2000, defending her master's thesis on Public Relations at the "Klodawa" Salt Mine in Klodawa.

From 2000 she was employed at the Poznan University of Technology. From 2009 she has been a teaching employee and works as a lecturer at the Institute of Management and Information Systems at the Faculty of Engineering Management at the Poznan University of Technology.

Her work focuses on didactic activity. She has conducted laboratory didactic classes in the following subjects: Advanced functions of MS Office /Advanced functions of spreadsheets IT, Management IT, Information Technology, Databases, Programming2. For the needs of the classes, she also developed didactic materials for students, concerning: using the Excel spreadsheet in Polish and English, using the WORD text editor, programming in Visual Basic, designing databases in Access and elements HTML language.

She is the author of several publications on the use of the fuzzy model and grey systems in the analysis of work time losses in manufacturing enterprises.

Striving to improve her skills useful in the conducted classes she took part in the following trainings:

  • IT Skills training on the preparation of multimedia presentations for didactic classes in the PREZI and POWER POINT programs,
  • Training in IT skills on the use and setting up of IT courses on the Moodle didactic platform,
  • English
  • English Medium Instruction for academics.

She was the tutor of the first year of the Engineering Management field. She was a member of the team supervising of correctness of ECTS cards in the field of Engineering Management. She was appointed to the Faculty Team for Quality of Education. She co-created the KAUT accreditation application for the Accreditation Committee of Technical Universities for both Logistics and Engineering Management. She is also willingly involved in the organizational activity of the Faculty.

Katarzyna Ragin-Skorecka

PhD, Eng.

KATARZYNA RAGIN-SKORECKA – PhD Eng., I am an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management Engineering at the Poznań University of Technology, I manage the Laboratory of Management Information Systems and the eLearning Team. I manage the didactic project the Smart Factory 4.0 Laboratory at FEM PUT. I am responsible for the accreditation of IPMA Student at FEM PUT.

I graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management at the Poznań University of Technology, studying management and marketing, specializing in business management. I defended my doctoral dissertation on the problem of corporate identity in 2010. I have a European Logistics Certificate. I completed postgraduate studies as a research and development project manager. I am the author or co-author of over 70 scientific publications. Currently, my scientific interests focus on process analysis and the use of ICT solutions in business management.

One of the dimensions of my work is teaching. I provide practical skills based on well-established scientific knowledge and relating to business practice in the field of information systems, process and project approach in enterprise management and integration of various areas from the point of view of a business / systems analyst.


Msc, Eng.

Hubert Wojciechowski

Msc, Eng.

Hubert Wojciechowski, Msc Eng. is a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering Management at the Poznań University of Technology, lecturer at the Poznań University of Technology. Curious and proactive individual who seeks information and is open to learning new things. Seems to be polite and respectful in your interactions, and you communicate clearly and effectively. Also appear to have a positive attitude and a willingness to engage in thoughtful discussions. Overall, presents myself as an engaged and thoughtful individual who values intellectual growth and meaningful conversations.


Funded by the European Union.
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