Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
w Poznaniu

Poznan School of Logistics (WSL), the first logistics institution of higher education in Poland was founded in 2001 by the Centre for Logistics Education (CEL) and the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing. From the very beginning, the School has been the leader in logistics education at the university level. The School’s high level of education is guaranteed by its highly qualified teaching staff and its pioneering curriculum tailored to the needs of the market.


A good logistician is a specialist who can deal with challenges anywhere in the world. They know the current standards which they can implement in any situation they may find themselves in. And such are also the graduates of Poznan School of Logistics. Thanks to the instruction they receive and student exchange programmes they can take part in, students gain knowledge and skills which allow them to look at problems in their professional career from a different perspective. Modern education, however, cannot be only limited to gaining knowledge and establishing academic contacts. Modern education is also about establishing close contacts with the business world. That is why WSL, from its very beginning, has closely co-operated with leading enterprises and institutions. Among the School’s Partner Companies one can find both local and international organizations. These are, among others: Kuehne and Nagel, DHL Express, Raben, Prologis, Panopa and many others.

Thanks to this co-operation, the students of WSL can take part in trainee schemes and work placements offered by these companies. Close ties to the business world allow WSL to tailor its curriculum to the changing needs of the market.

Poznan School of Logistics is an institution that not only educates people in sought-after professions, but also guarantees its students comprehensive development. This is the key to success today.

The School offers two fields of study: Management and Logistics and offers bachelor’s, engineer's and master’s degree programmes in the following specializations:

- bachelor’s degree programme in logistics

- engineer's degree programme in logistics

- bachelor’s degree programme in management

- master’s degree programme in logistics


WSL employs a staff of around 80 in:

- teaching and research: 37,

- administration: 40.

The School collaborates with 80 lecturers in logistics-related industries.

WSL has extensive experience in delivering EU-funded projects for VET and HEI sector (lot4eng, NEDLOG, DELPHI, LLOT, MLL, LLIL, NewMetro, MovetFast, AutoMobility, NEXTLOG)




PhD in economics specializing in supply chain management. Assistant professor and head of the Department of Operational Management of Enterprises at the Poznan School of Logistics. In his scientific work, he uses methods of data analysis, modeling and simulation of processes. Author of nearly 100 publications on logistics in national and international journals.

Member of teams implementing research and development and consulting projects for logistics and production companies. Manager and member of teams implementing projects financed from the ERASMUS+ program: lot4eng.com, LLOT, MLL, LLIL, NewMetro, NEXTLOG, tutor in projects: AutoMobility and MovetFAST.

Head of Business Intelligence postgraduate studies in Poznan School of Logistics. Trainer and author of training programs in the field of supply chain management, inventory management, forecasting, the use of quantitative methods in logistics and process modeling and simulation.


MSc Eng.

MSc Eng. in management science, graduate of the Poznan University of Technology, the Faculty of Engineering Management in Logistics. Lecturer at the Poznan School of Logistics, Assistant at the Department of Operational Management of Enterprises. Lecturer in business process modelling and simulation, logistics and supply chain management on full and extramural studies at Poznan School of Logistics. An author of papers on logistics published in Poland and abroad. Researcher of EU-funded development projects under the ERASMUS+ program i.e., “NEXTLOG - Building Next Generation Competencies for Logisticians and Supply Chain Managers”, “NEW METRO - embeddiNg kEts and Work-based learning into MEchaTROnic profile”. Member of Project Team of R&D project conducted to e-commerce company - introduction robots and autonomous solutions to warehousing processes. Participant of the "Integrated Program of the Poznan School of Logistics" project co-financed from European Funds under the Operational Program Knowledge Education  development 2014-2020.


MSc Eng.

MA in economics, BA in mathematics, graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Lecturer at the University of Logistics in Poznań, Assistant at the Department of Operational Management of Enterprises. Lecturer in distribution logistics, supply chain management, forecasting, data analysis in full-time and part-time studies at the University of Logistics in Poznań. Authors of articles in the field of logistics published in Poland and abroad. Researcher of financial development projects by the Union used as part of the ERASMUS + program, i.e. "NEXTLOG - Building new generation competences for logistics and supply chain managers". Member of the Design Team of consulting projects for enterprises. Participant of many financial projects from the European Union. Analysis and Development Manager at Silvan Logistics. Nearly 10 years of internship in the field of analysis, controlling and development in production.


Funded by the European Union.
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